07 May 2007

Moving along

Hi Folks,
Movie-ing along a bit to using video technology in education, the hardest part I see at the moment is what I would put into an educational video. Various popular video search engines have a large stock of humorous clips – some might be considered educational. Since this a learning exercise, I would follow the published Model for Learning using Multimedia – which has four stages in an iterative learning cycle ; -
Stage 1 of brain-storming, recalling prior experience and prior knowledge,
Stage 2 of theorizing, developing, creative and lateral thinking,
Stage 3 of disjunctive thinking, guided exploration of possible solutions, problem-based learning, hypotheses testing, vertical thinking, and
Stage 4 of testing out this chosen solution, publicizing, experiential learning.
I illustrate these here in the figure below.

I am at Stage 1.
Of brainstorming to initiate and quantify the scope of video, formulating possible titles, educational purposes, and how a video could be eventually evaluated in terms of its educational effectiveness- what qualities educational video should have. Included in this stage is framing the task - noting the time frame, cost frame, equipment limitation frame, audience frame and so on. Other points to be determined now are the narrative style and genre, and if possible a paper-and-pencil sketch of the storyboards to be designed and sequenced, writing a potential script or scripts, deciding on possible background sounds, music, sub-titles and visuals.

In Stage 2, I will have to make and collect materials such as photos, video, music, voice clips, diagrams, and animations to form an adequate reservoir from which to select and edit to a final choice in Stage 3. I can foresee distinct collections of boards may be needed ; text-boards of titles, subtitles, captions, logos, copyright notices, acknowledgements and thanks ; photo-boards of photos, scans, maps, diagrams, digitally made pictures such as powerpoint slides ; video-boards of shots, scenes (groups of related shots), sequences (groups of related scenes) ; and sound-boards of background music, theme fade-in / fade-out music, sound-effects, voice clips.

In Stage 3, I will have to join bits of edited material together in some way to produce a final draft of sorts. Hopefully iMovie here on a Mac can be used – though as I wrote this is the first time to think about this. I got Impatica yesterday in one of my happier moments, and am keen to see what this will do to powerpoint.

In Stage 4, the ‘final cut’ needs to be saved to CD or DVD, or compressed and uploaded, or exported to podcast. I think Impatica does compression … More on this later.

Well, the first Stage of trying to recall prior knowledge and frame the task of making an educational video has begun here. Now to the readings ! and starting a new note-book to record the process.
All Best Wishes

The Model for Learning with Multimedia is published here ;
Kawachi, P. (2005). Empirical validation of a multimedia construct for learning. In S. Mishra, & R. Sharma (Eds.), Interactive Multimedia in Education and Training (pp. 158-183). Hershey, PA : IDEA Group ISBN 1-59140-393-6

And I quote from my earlier 2003 scratchings
"Advanced learning technologies are not yet used optimally due in large part to there being no theory underpinning the practice. The Model provides such a theory and serves to understand when, why and how to use these technologies effectively. Despite various difficulties arising concerning students’ engaging Stage 3 collaboration using advanced learning technologies, the present Model is the only practical model proposed to date for acquiring critical thinking skills using computer-mediated multimedia, and constitutes an intelligent syllabus to be tested out further."
Kawachi, P. (2003). Hyperlearning : Empirical validation of the ‘Design for Multimedia in Learning’ model - Problems arising and suggested solutions. In V. Devedzic, J.M. Spector, D.G. Sampson, & Kinshuk (Eds.),
Advanced Learning Technologies. Los Alamitos, CA : IEEE Computer Society.
ISBN 0-7695-1967-9

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